Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Days are always filled with things to do, and each day usually ends with things still left undone. For many of us, Sunday is the only day when we could 'think about God and His Goodness'. And that's really sad, for God wants to fellowship with us on a daily basis.How do we keep God in the picture? How do we include HIM in our day to day lives? Here are some helpful ways:

1. Keep yourself 'online'. Always be consciuous of His presence, and maintain the communication lines open at ALL times. Pray each moment. Share each moment, each experience with Him.

2. Keep yourself 'thankful'. Be observant. Be sensitive to each blessing, each act of divine grace and thank Him promptly for those.

3. Keep yourself 'clean'. Seek the Holy Spirit's help. Keep yourself spiritually pure. Confess each sin, each fault promptly.

4. Keep youself 'dependent'. Know that you are never alone, and that you can never be on your own. Apart from God we are and we can do nothing. Draw upon God for strength and guidance with each task.

Let's pray that God will keep us close to Him at all times. May God help us keep this mindset all the time- that God is in control and that I need Him to take control of my life. Nothing could go wrong if we keep ourselves aware of that truth, always.

--authored by lyka m

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