Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Power of Choice

source: Thrive! Now
THRiVE! Now article authored by Valencia Harvey

It seems that there is an expected time frame in which God expects us
to bear fruit. Of all of God's magnificent creation, only humans have
the power of choice... the power of decision... the power of free
will. God has placed gifts and talents on the inside of us, all
vehicles that are designed to bring increase and success. If after
three or four years you fail to see significant fruit in a particular
endeavor, isn't it time to re-evaluate?

It's hard for us as women to abandon something into which we have
lovingly invested ourselves. Many times we stay in relationships and
careers that are producing no fruit because we keep telling ourselves,
"Wait. Next year it will be better."

But shouldn't all that time and nurture go toward something that will
produce great fruit and blessing?

I think we have to get over the fear of failure and chock up our
experience as a valuable learning opportunity. We have to be willing
to set up checkpoints along the way for assessment and re-evaluation.
I heard a minister once say in reference to discovering the destiny
God has for you life to "follow favor and follow the path of favor."
In other words, you may be going down a road where there is great
favor, and then after a period of time there is resistance. It almost
feels as if you are dragging your feet through mud. Your passion and
energy are gone and you practically dread doing what you once couldn't
get enough of. This is a checkpoint. It is possible that your path has
changed, that your favor has shifted in another direction. Go with the
new direction.

Always remember that God works with your passions not against them. He
uses the noble desires that He has placed in your heart to fuel you as
you go along your way. You know, during my season of "wheel spinning"
I noticed that the favor I once enjoyed had begun to ebb. What were
once open doors where now foreboding walls daring me to oppose them.
And my passion was gone. As I contemplated on that reoccurring dream
and sought for understanding, I discovered that the vehicle was
symbolic of my life's work. And in my current environment that work
had come to a screeching halt. My path of favor was changing. Would I
be courageous and make the shift or would I continue to feverishly
tread water?

I finally did the unthinkable. I left the nest I thought was so
familiar and comfortable and opted to launch out into the deep. What
about you? Is God gently trying to redirect your focus to something
much more fulfilling? What projects and assignments have run their
course, and what new adventure is the Lord calling you to explore?

Remember words of the renowned poet, Robert Frost, "Two roads diverged
in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made
all the difference."

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