Saturday, October 21, 2006


source: Quiet Moments With God

Be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create
Isai 65:18 RSV

What is it that gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside?
Certain smells, like the aroma of homemade bread right out of the
oven or hot apple cider, make you feel everything will be all right.
Certain sounds- a crackling fire in the fireplace that chases away
the damp chill in the fireplace that chases away the damp chill on a
rainy night; the whistling of a teakettle,ready to brew a pot of
your favorite tea; the beauty of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata"- all
make you feeel that life is good.

To Oscar HAmmersein, that warm, fuzzy, everything-is-going-to-be-
okay feeling came from "whiskers on kittens and warm, woolen
mittens. "What are some of your favorite things? When was the lst
time you gave yourself permission to be "nonproductive" and enjoy
some of life's simple pleasures- like the beauty of a sunset?

Logan Pearsall Smith wrote, "If you are losing your leisure, look
out! You may be losing your soul. When we don't take time for
leisure or relaxation, when we give our discretionary time away to
busyness and relentless activity, we are living in a way that
says, "everything depends upon me and my efforts"

Consequently, God prescribed a day of rest, the Sabbath, to enjoy
His creation adn to give us time tp reflect and remember all He has
done for us and all He is. The Sabbath is time to remember God is
God- and we're not!

The Sabbath doesn't have to be Sunday. You can take a Sabbath rest
anytime you relax and turn your focus to God and His creation.
Sometimes you have nothing better to do than relax. You may have
something else to do, but you don't have anything better to do.

Relax and just enjoy God's creation. After all, He created it for
you to enjoy.

Jesus knows we must come apart and rest awhile, or else we may just
plain come apart. VANCE HAVNER

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love all the things listed in this post. I guess you could say I am an experiencial type woman. I love the senses of smell...candles, fire place, fall leaves, baking Apple or pumpkin pie, bread, etc....Sense of sight... a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a rainbow after a storm, chickens pecking away at their feed on a lazy afternoon. God has blessed us with our senses and we need to take advantage of them! Enjoy life and all it has to offer and thank God for it! Amen?