Saturday, August 26, 2006

Snack Attack: Here's the Plan

Written by Kelly Snow Preston
This article is courtesy of HomeLife magazine.

Now is a great time to start working on healthier eating habits. Nicole Haywood, a registered dietitian and wellness coordinator for the National Institute for Fitness and Sport, has a great tip to help trim excess food from your plate at mealtimes: Practice "planned snacking." She suggests staying "as close as possible to a set meal and snack schedule." The reason? "A regular eating schedule," she says, "helps people feel more relaxed about their food since they know when to expect the next meal or snack." And that means less overeating at meals. Enjoy this article? Subscribe to HomeLife But if a regular schedule isn't possible, try the following snack suggestions to minimize the drive to overeat:

If your next meal is within two hours, try a small serving of one food group, such as piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, or a slice of low-fat cheese.

If your next meal is two to three hours away, sample two food groups: celery with peanut butter; trail mix made of cereal, nuts, and dried fruit; or berries or melon with low-fat cottage cheese.

If your meal is more than three hours away, your body probably needs a mini meal of three food groups. Try low-fat yogurt mixed with fresh berries and sliced almonds, whole grain cereal with skim milk and sliced banana, or baked tortilla chips with black beans and salsa.

Kelly Snow Preston, RN, MSN, specializes in congregational health ministry. She lives in Newnan, Ga., with her husband, Jason; their son, Nathan; and
their yellow lab, Sipsey.

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