Friday, December 08, 2006

Devotional: "Taking Our Spiritual Vitamins"

source: crosswalk
Tracie Miles, Speaker Team Member

Key Verse:

Proverbs 3:7-8, "Do not be wise in your eyes; fear the Lord and shun
evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your
bones." (NIV)


My life is busy. No, it's stressful. No, wait, I mean chaotic. Okay, I
mean it is chaotically, stressfully busy. Can you relate? The days
of June Cleaver moms putting on neatly pressed aprons to make cookies
in their perfectly tidy kitchens for their boys when they return home
from school is a mere black and white memory. The well known cliché
of "a woman's work is never done" is nothing less than the absolute
truth. So to assist me in my never-ending need for energy and zest,
I recently had the bright idea of taking vitamins.

Little did I realize how beneficial vitamins actually could be!
Within a matter of weeks, my nails and hair were longer and stronger,
my skin looked better, and I just felt better overall. Even though
doctors always tell us that taking vitamins leads to better health and
quality of life, I didn't expect such obvious or immediate results.
That experience prompted me to consider what other important things in
my life might be deficient and in need of some attention. The first
thing that came to mind was my walk with Christ.

I am hesitant to admit, as many of you may be as well, that I often
get so busy with "life" that I neglect the quality of life that God
intended for me by not being faithful in my commitment to Him every
day in every way. I realized I desperately needed some spiritual
vitamins. What are spiritual vitamins, you ask? They are anything
that nourishes the soul and your walk with Christ, such as prayer, a
church family, church involvement, devotions, Christian books, bible
studies, or women's ministry events. The most vital of these vitamins,
however, is God's word. Opportunities to study God's word and build
your relationship with Him are good medicine for our heart and soul,
just as vitamins are good medicine for our bodies and bones.

It is not uncommon for devoted Christians to sometimes find themselves
wandering through life without clear direction, without purpose,
without strength, and without joy. These are times when we are lost
in the wilderness. Although we believe in God's kingdom, we have
temporarily lost sight of it. But if we believe God, and not just
believe in Him, we can leave the wilderness and find our Canaan – a
place of victory and prosperity, a place with God.

Are you in the wilderness and in desperate need of some spiritual
vitamins to pump up your energy and zest for the Lord, and in turn
your life? Do you hunger for a renewed spirit, a refreshed heart and
a rekindled passion for Christ? Or are you basking in God's glory,
but need a spiritual vitamin to keep the spiritual energy flowing?
Whatever your situation is, the Lord wants your life to be filled with
the joy that only He can provide. You should be taking advantage of
the spiritual vitamins that are available to you on a daily basis.
There are many ways to stay washed in God's word, and these things
help to nourish our spiritual needs and keep us from entering the
wilderness accidentally. When we have a nourished soul and a cheerful
heart, we are sure to live a more Christ-like life!

Consider the abundant blessings you could be missing by not making the
small effort to take your spiritual vitamins every day! Just as
tangible vitamins will improve your physical health, spiritual
vitamins will improve your spiritual health. I am waiting in great
anticipation to see the changes in my heart and life as a result of
faithfully and consistently taking my spiritual vitamins.

My Prayer For Today:

Lord, help me to have eyes to recognize the spiritual vitamins that
You bring into my life, and give me the desire to take those vitamins
on a consistent basis so that I can become closer to You and insure
that I am never too far from Your protective hands. Help me to mature
in my knowledge of Your word. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Application Step:

Ask God to open doors for you to partake in new spiritual vitamins,
such as new bible study opportunities, fellowship opportunities, or
church events. Ask a friend to be your prayer partner so that you can
hold each other accountable for spending time in God's word.

Reflection Points:

Am I actively seeking God's will in all areas of my life?

Do I always find a reason to explain why I don't have time to read my
bible today, have quiet time, or go to church for a special worship

Am I taking advantage of all of the opportunities that I am given to
worship God?

Power Verses:

Proverbs 13:14, "The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life,
turning a man from the snares of death." (NIV)

Proverbs 7:2, "Keep my commands and you will live, guard my teachings
as the apple of your eye." (NIV)

Psalm 19:9-10, "The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether
righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold,
they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb." (NIV)

1 Corinthians 11:26, "For whenever you eat this bread and drink this
cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." (NIV)

Proverbs 14:30, "A heart at peace gives life to the body…" (NIV)

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